To support the preservation of little penguins, in 2025 we are donating 25k from the sale of M.J. Bale tuxedos to the ecological stronghold of Fairyland on Bruny Island.
Fairyland is what ecologists call an ‘ark’ – a stronghold for the preservation of rare, endangered and iconic native species, like swift parrots, muttonbirds and little penguins.
Little penguins, also known as fairy penguins, nest from late spring to summer each year in Fairyland’s rookeries that are hidden within the sand dunes and salt bushes.
“People need land and land needs people. It’s all connected. You can’t just leave land alone and expect it to take care of itself” - Matthew Taylor, Fairyland ecologist
Every M.J. Bale tuxedo purchase contributes to Fairyland’s ecological efforts, including the planting of native trees and shrubs, and cool burning.
While not as biologically streamlined or waterproof as a penguin, our ‘Penguin Suits’ are the epitome of classic sartorial elegance.